Ants are a common household pest that can be a nuisance to deal with. However, you don’t need to resort to harsh chemicals to get rid of them. There are many natural and non-toxic ways to eliminate ants from your home, and one of the most effective is to make your own DIY ant killer.

Here’s how to make your own DIY ant killer at home:

Recipe: Baking Soda and Sugar Solution


  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup of powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup of water


  1. Mix baking soda and powdered sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add water to the mixture and stir until the ingredients are well combined.
  3. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  4. Spray the solution on the areas where you see ants, making sure to saturate the area.
  5. Wait for a few hours and observe if there are any changes in ant activity.

How does the DIY Ant Killer work?

The baking soda and powdered sugar mixture works by attracting the ants with the sugar, and the baking soda reacts with the acid in their digestive system, causing them to die. This method is effective and safe for use in the home, but it may take several applications to completely eliminate the ant colony.

Tips for Using DIY Ant Killer:

  • Place the ant killer in areas where you’ve seen ants, such as along baseboards or in corners.
  • Avoid placing the ant killer in areas where children or pets can access it.
  • Be patient – it may take a few days for the ant killer to work.
  • Keep your home clean and free of crumbs or other food sources to help prevent future ant infestations.

How to Keep Ants Away in the First Place:

It goes without saying that the best way to get rid of ants in the house is to not have them in the first place! Here’s some tips on how to keep them away:

  1. Keep your house clean and tidy. Ants are attracted to food particles, so be sure to wipe down counters, sweep floors, and clean up spills immediately.
  2. Seal up cracks and gaps. Ants can enter your home through even the tiniest of openings, so seal up any cracks or gaps in doors, windows, and walls.
  3. Store food properly. Keep food in airtight containers, and store sugary items like honey and syrup in the refrigerator.
  4. Remove standing water. Ants are attracted to moisture, so fix any leaky pipes and remove any standing water around your home.
  5. Use natural deterrents. Certain smells, such as peppermint, cinnamon, and citrus, can repel ants. Try placing cotton balls soaked in these essential oils near entry points to your home.
  6. Keep other bugs around. Other bugs, such as spiders and beetles, can keep the ants away. Promoting a good ecosystem in your garden (such as a wildflower area) can help keep ants away in the first place.

How to Tell if you have an Ant Infestation

There are some tell-tale signs that can indicate the presence of an ant nest. These include seeing a large number of ants in one area, particularly if they are concentrated around a particular spot or following a trail. You may also notice small piles of earth or debris near cracks or crevices, as ants often create their nests in these spaces. Another sign is the presence of discarded ant wings, which may indicate that a new colony has established itself nearby. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to act quickly to prevent the infestation from spreading.


By following these simple steps, you can make your own DIY ant killer and effectively eliminate ants from your home. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re using a non-toxic solution that is safe for your family and the environment.

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  1. Will definitely try out your DIY ant killer.
    Thanks Mike

    1. Thank you! Let me know how it goes 🙂

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